Blog: Dogs

dog school

Are Your Pets Ready for School?

The new school year is just weeks away. The stores are loading their shelves with supplies, parents are counting the days, and kids are mostly blissfully unaware, as summer holidays come to an end.


6 Ways to Help Your Pet With Mobility Issues

We see many pets that come into North Hill Animal Hospital that have mobility issues, usually, they are older in age but we still see it in younger pets as well.

a sick dog laying down looking sad

Canine Influenza

Canine Influenza can be caused by two different virus strains H3N8 and H3N2. H3N8 was discovered in Florida in 2004 and can also be found in horses. H3N2 was first identified in Chicago in 2015 and can affect other species such as pigs and birds.

a dog stands in a moving river

When swimming can be dangerous: Blue-Green Algae

Cyanobacteria (also known as blue-green algae) can bloom in lakes, streams and ponds, most often during periods of hot weather in mid- to late-summer months but can be present in lower concentrations throughout the year. The algae take on the appearance of blue or green paint on the surface of...