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What’s All The Fuss Around Rabies?
What’s All The Fuss Around Rabies?

What’s All The Fuss Around Rabies?

Rabies has been in the news lately and there has been a big fuss around racoons in the Hamilton area found to be infected with the Rabies virus.

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5 Questions to Ask your Vet
5 Questions to Ask your Vet

5 Questions to Ask your Vet

We have the best job in the world. We get to see wonderful dogs and cats all day accompanied by their caring guardians.

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The Veterinarians Act by Dr. David Kerr
The Veterinarians Act by Dr. David Kerr

The Veterinarians Act by Dr. David Kerr

I am sometimes asked who watches over veterinarians to ensure we are practicing good medicine, we are keeping up with the new information available.

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Pet Euthanasia: Making the Decision
Pet Euthanasia: Making the Decision

Pet Euthanasia: Making the Decision

We live with Clyde, LeeLoo, Kitten, Keeper and Beans (he lives up to his name). They are all special to us and we as a family get great joy sharing our home with them.

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Upcoming Trip to Baker Lake by Dr. Kerr
Upcoming Trip to Baker Lake by Dr. Kerr

Upcoming Trip to Baker Lake by Dr. Kerr

A long time ago in a summer camp far, far away I learned the lesson of helping without expecting anything in return.

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Blue-Green Algae Makes Swimming Risky
When swimming can be dangerous: Blue-Green Algae

Blue-Green Algae Makes Swimming Risky

Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) blooms in water bodies, mainly during hot mid-to-late summer but can appear year-round in low concentrations.

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Insomnia in Dogs?
Insomnia in Dogs?

Insomnia in Dogs?

As dogs age, they can start to have difficulty sleeping throughout the entire night. There are many different psychological and physical causes which can contribute to this.

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Chubby Pets
Chubby Pets

Chubby Pets

This is a typical comment by many clients when I break the bad news that their pets are overweight.

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Food, Food, Food
Food, Food, Food

Food, Food, Food

As the old saying goes ‘we are what we eat’ and when I think about this it makes a lot of sense. The food we put in our mouths helps to form bones, muscles, skin, hair, etc.

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5 Signs a Senior Cat Needs a Vet Visit
The Top 5 Signs Your Senior Cat Should Visit a Veterinarian by Dr. Dana Cini

5 Signs a Senior Cat Needs a Vet Visit

Just like dogs, cats become arthritic as they age. Often the signs are more subtle and require close attention.

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Cleaning Your Dogs Ears
Cleaning Your Dogs Ears

Cleaning Your Dogs Ears

In this two-part video, we discuss the anatomy of your dog’s ears and demonstrate how you can do it yourself with an ear cleaning solution and cotton balls!

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Forever Grateful – The Story of Becky
Forever Grateful – The Story of Becky

Forever Grateful – The Story of Becky

It is a sad but true fact that most of us will have to make the decision to say goodbye to a furry member of our family at some point.

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