Blog: General

Breakers Story Part II by Megan Davis, VA

Breaker is a 12 year old Golden Retriever. Not only is he unbearably handsome, he is one of the sweetest, loveable, gentle dogs that come into the North Hill Animal Hospital. Everyone here at the hospital just loves to see Breaker and give that big adorable face squishes and kisses...

First Time Puppy Vaccinations

Puppies are wonderful. When they first enter our houses a little timid and unsure, the whole family is in love within minutes. A new pup added to the family brings happiness, joy and new sense of purpose. They also bring responsibility. Keeping our puppies healthy is one of our responsibilities...

Zoonoses written by Dr. Dave Kerr

I have my dog and cat on parasite protection during the summer. Are there any parasites they carry that can be passed to me or my family? Signed, Safe Dad   Dear SD, When diseases can be passed from one species to another they are called Zoonotic diseases. The rabies...

First Vaccination Visit for your Kitten by Beverly Riley, RVT

Kittens should have their first of 3 boosters around 6-8 weeks of age. At their first booster they will be vaccinated with a “core” vaccine. “Core” is a combo vaccine that protects against 3 viruses; panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, and calicivirus. They will need to come in for 3 sets of vaccines,...