Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness

Hernias in Cats by Beverly Riley, RVT

A hernia is an opening in the muscle wall. In cats there are 2 common types of hernias, the inguinal (groin) hernia or umbilical (belly button) hernia. The inguinal hernia occurs in the groin area, the abdominal contents can protrude through the inguinal canal where the opening in the muscle...

Canine Hypothyroidism

Is your dog middle aged, seems lethargic, overweight but doesn’t really seem to eat much food, suffers from hair loss and their skin is dry and thickened? If you answered yes to either one or all of these questions, it is possible your dog may be suffering from a chronic...

First Time Puppy Vaccinations

Puppies are wonderful. When they first enter our houses a little timid and unsure, the whole family is in love within minutes. A new pup added to the family brings happiness, joy and new sense of purpose. They also bring responsibility. Keeping our puppies healthy is one of our responsibilities...

What Are Vaccinations?

Vaccines are a hot topic in human health care and animal health care.  There has been a lot of talk over the past 10 years on whether vaccines do more harm than good and this article will try to go back to the basics and discuss how vaccines work, why...