Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness


Reminiscing on Declaw Surgery for Cats

I have been practising for 33 years now and have learned a lot during that time. I have and continue to meet great pets with their equally great humans. Since I graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College veterinary medicine has evolved with many new, exciting and life enhancing treatments being...

pet food

New Treatment Tool for Canine Epilepsy

This January at the North American Veterinary Conference Purina revealed their new therapeutic diet, Neurocare.  This diet gives veterinarians and pet owners of epileptic dogs another treatment method to help with seizure control.


When The Yellow Flow is a No Go

Our dogs love routine especially around when they eat, play, poop and pee. When a part of the routine is different or takes longer than it should there is cause for concern. Sometimes we see our dogs taking longer than normal to pass urine and sometimes they will try to...


Food, Food, Food

As the old saying goes ‘we are what we eat’ and when I think about this it makes a lot of sense. The food we put in our mouths helps to form bones, muscles, skin, hair and all the other parts of our bodies. This saying also holds true for...