Search Results

17 search results for vaccinations

Dog Services

We offer a wide range of services including medical, diagnostic, surgical, and preventive health care needs for your pet so they live a longer, happier life. One of the best things you can do for your pet to keep him or her healthy is bringing them for regular exams and...

Dog with rabies foaming

Rabies Vaccines Save Lives

Rabies vaccines save lives. This statement seems obvious since vaccinations help develop antibodies to prevent infection from certain diseases, in this case, the virus that causes rabies.

Socialization - The Key To A Puppy's Future

Socialization – The Key To A Puppy’s Future

At some time in every dog’s life they will need to have a visit with the vet; whether it’s for vaccines, ear or eye infections, bloodwork or surgery. Whatever the appointment may be, your dog will need to be examined by the veterinarian.

Two dogs by the lake

The Fountain of Youth

The Fountain of Youth, that life-enhancing pool of precious water has been talked about, searched for and sold in many ways for the past 2500 years.