Blog: pet health

Dog with rabies foaming

Rabies Vaccines Save Lives

Rabies vaccines save lives. This statement seems obvious since vaccinations help develop antibodies to prevent infection from certain diseases, in this case, the virus that causes rabies.

Essential Oils and Its Dangers

Are Essential Oils a Problem?

The smell of wintergreen is calming, citrus is pleasant, and eucalyptus can be soothing to achy sinuses during the cold winter months. Vaporizers, charms on bracelets and potpourri are all ways to use essential oils to impart these lovely smells to the air.

Cat and phone

Why Over the Phone Diagnosis Is a Bad Idea

Conversation 1 Client: “My dog has a terrible rash on his belly, it is red and blotchy, and he is scratching. What do you think it might be?”

cat smelling pills

Human Supplements Toxic to Pets

Alpha lipoic acid is a natural antioxidant that can be found in various human supplements used for weight loss, diabetes, arthritis, cataracts and glaucoma. These are common conditions, many people may have no idea the supplement they’re using could be deadly to their pet.