Blog: Pet Safety


Say No to Bones!

Are you feeding your dog your leftover bones? If so, you are harming your dog. 


Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe This Winter

The cold weather is fast approaching, and for some, it has already reared its, um, ‘pretty’? face. Like people, some dogs seem much more built for the cold and snow than others. Are you prepared to keep your pet safe this winter season?

Halloween Safety For Your Pets by Kaitlyn Sammut, Veterinary Assistant

Halloween is a time looked forward to by many, your pets on the other hand not so much. It can cause a lot of anxiety and holds many hazards. Treats Chocolate can be very dangerous, and even lethal for dogs and cats. Symptoms of chocolate toxicity are vomiting, diarrhea, rapid...

Tips To Keep Your Pet Safe This Winter

The cold weather is fast approaching, and for some it has already reared its, um, ‘pretty’? face. Like people, some dogs seem much more built for the cold and snow than others. Are you prepared to keep your pet safe this winter season? First thing’s first – you need to...