The Importance of Cat Spay & Neuter by Beverly Riley, RVT

Why should I spay or neuter my cat?

Spaying is a surgical procedure scientifically known as an ovarianhysterectomy. The ovaries and uterus are removed completely in order to sterilize a female cat.
There are many reasons to spay your cat. Spaying your cat eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine cancer. If she is spayed before her first heat cycle there is less than 0.5% of developing breast cancer, the more heat cycles she goes through the more it increases the chance of her developing breast cancer. After about 2 ½ years of age, ovarianhysterectomy offers no protective benefit against developing breast cancer. Spaying eliminates the chance of uterine infection known as pyometra (which can be fatal). Once your female cat reaches puberty, usually around 7 months, she will have a heat or estrus cycle every 2 or 3 weeks for most of the year unless she becomes pregnant. During heat she may display annoying behaviors such as loud and persistent crying and frequent rubbing and rolling on the floor. Finally perhaps one of the best benefits is eliminating the chance of unwanted pregnancy and adding to the number of homeless/unwanted kittens

Neutering (castration) is a surgical procedure scientifically known as orchiectomy. Both testicles are removed in order to sterilize a male cat.
The benefits of neutering your male cat include eliminating the chance of him breeding and contributing to the homeless kittens, as well as behavioral benefits. Once a male cat reaches puberty he will develop a number of behavioral changes that will make him a less desirable pet. He will become territorial and start to mark areas, even inside the house by spraying urine. This urine has a particularly offensive odor that is difficult to remove. He will then start to increase the size of his territory, straying even farther from the house, particularly at night. By increasing the size of his territory he increases the chance of encountering other cats and then can get into fights over territory. Fight wounds can result in severe infection and abscesses. Diseases such as FIV and FeLV, which cause immunosuppression and AIDS-like syndromes, can be spread through cat bites.

If you have any other questions on spaying or neutering you cat please call North Hill Animal Hospital to further discuss