Blog: Services

Cat Neutering and Spaying

Ovariohysterectomy (spaying) and castration (neutering) of cats at the appropriate age, help cats to live longer lives, with less potential for illnesses. We can help limit the number of animals in shelters, as well by preventing unwanted pregnancies.


Cat Dental Care

We brush our teeth to keep our teeth clean. Cats in the wild "brush their teeth" when they hunt. Our cats who live with us need us to help care for their teeth since they eat prepared food, which does not help to clean their teeth. The build-up of plaque...

Cat Nail Trimming and Ear Cleaning

Trimming nails and cleaning ears help our cats live comfortable lives.


Overweight Cat Help

Cats who are overweight have many more health problems than cats who have are a proper weight. Overweight cats do not live as long as cats who are a proper weight.