
Tips for Litter Box Placement

We have three cats at home. We love them dearly. Their bathroom habits are good and that is because we have followed the recommendations of the American Association of Feline Practitioners. Litter box guidelines from the AAFP help to prevent behaviour related poop and pee accidents around the house. The...

Bugs in the Ears by Dr. David J. Kerr, DVM

Dirty, smelly, sore ears are a real pain for our dogs and cats. Often times ear infections there is an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast causing these painful ears but sometimes bugs are the cause. Otodectes cynotis is the proper name for ear mites. These microscopic eight legged mites are...

Mighty Mite by Dr. David J. Kerr, DVM

There are many different types of mites that cause problems with dogs and cats. These microscopic, eight-legged, skin dwellers cause conditions like Mange, Scabies, Walking Dandruff, Red Mange among others. All these critters live in or on the skin, cause itching and all are contagious to dogs and cats and...

Fleas by Dr. Dana Cini

A creepy crawly nightmare for pet owners! Don’t despair if your pet has fleas, there are safe and effective treatment options available from your veterinarian, but first you should understand the lifecycle and behaviour of this tiny insect. The flea species that is found on dogs and cats is Ctenocephalides...